
Plaine du Nord, Cap Haïtien

FECCANO (“La Fédération des coopératives cacaoyères du Nord”) is a federation composed of 8 member cooperatives, created in 2002 under the impetus of different initiatives and local NGOs. Since the beginning, FECCANO's ambition has been to ensure Haitian cocoa is valued at its fair worth. For decades, the area's (and country's) cocoa was not fermented and sold at low prices to a network of intermediaries, thus positioning producers as simply poorly paid suppliers of raw materials. In 2007, FECCANO teamed up with French NGO AVSF to start fermenting its beans in an effort to increase the value of its cocoa. In doing so, FECCANO became the pioneer of high quality in cocoa in Haiti. Propelled by this rich history, Valrhona and FECCANO met in 2011. Our exchanges led to the signature of a five-year partnership in 2015 which will enable us to support these pioneering producers and promote the sustainability and value of Haitian cocoa. In 2020, this partnership was renewed for 10 years. 

chocolat haïti

2015 Partnership signature

Renewed in 2020 for 10 years

Cooperative Type of organization

4,261 Producers

Cacao Feccano - Haiti
Cacao Feccano - Haiti
Cacao Feccano - Haiti
Cacao Feccano - Haiti
Cacao Feccano - Haiti

Our social and environmental actions together

Since 2017

Renegeration of over 50ha of “jardins créoles”, a local agroforestry system, in collaboration with AVSF (Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières).

Agroforesterie jardins créoles

Doubling income/ha

for the project’s beneficiary plots

982 producers who directly benefitted

from the regeneration project from 2017 to 2022, including 127 producers

5.052 indirect beneficiaries

since 2017 (producers’ families, instructors, etc.)